
Denizens of Confronsis

Denizens of Confronsis

With Sanguinalia Christmas looming large, hobby time is a scarce resource. While it's hard to find time for painting and modelling, there's nothing to stop you delving into the underhive of your imagination, and making plans for what you'll do when you do get some time again. With this in mind, you might like to find a few minutes to scribble out some outlines to see which threads you want to follow for your gang. 

As a group, even though modelling and painting has not yet started (at least, so far as I'm aware) the PCRC are about midway through generating the backgrounds for our houses/groups – check 'em out below, or use the tabs at the top:

If you've followed one of our blogs before (perhaps on the now-depleted Warseer), you'll be familiar with the general mix of analogues, homages (and dreadful in-jokes) we to populate our stuff with – see what you can spot.


Golgotham obviously owes a lot to Necromunda, but I'm finding it interesting how it's already differing from its parent game. Rather than six large and interdependent houses, the PCRC's groups show a diverse range of backgrounds, from relatively stable major houses to wobbly minor houses and independent gangs. I'm looking forward to seeing what the others have got planned – Warmtamale and Lucifer216 dropped some juicy hints about their background recently, and their groups sound great.

On one level, the background won't have any bearing on the gaming side. We'll still likely be using the gang lists and limitations of the houses from Necromunda – you can see analogues in the Van Saar for the Lambda Tech-Guild, Cawdor for Nur-Memmot, and Delaque for Moldoff, for example – but making up our own stories gives flexibility. 

We've got the freedom to combine aesthetics; so it'd be entirely possible to use House Goliath rules to represent an Industrotech gang that gets its strength from augmetics rather than gene-crafting. Identical rules, different looks. 

This opens up the veins of creativity – I've been toying with using the new Blood Bowl Elven Union team to build some figures, for example. Kitbashed with the new Escher, they'd make for a great dynamic gang.


On a personal note, I'm particularly looking forward to making and painting some civilians – not least because they'll provide me with some extra colour for my Court of the Sun King project, and help me to clear the painting decks a bit. I'm not sure if the civilians will end up with rules or act as scenery, but either way, it'll be fun to look at the 40k universe in more detail.

Astropaths are important dignitaries – if a rival House is foolish enough to leave one unguarded, they'd make a great kidnap/rescue plot.



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